24 January 2007

keeping busy on a cold winter's day

Here are pictures I took around my neighborhood in Buffalo. I've been trying to do more photographing of late, whether it's on a fieldtrip or setting something up at home.

I guess every person whose life is creative in nature has a struggle with his or her art, some more than others. Sometimes, I have a lot of fun doing what I do and other times, I really start to doubt myself usually thinking that a. I have no technique, or b. that what I'm working on is stupid. Often, I really wish I had a mentor that could lend a guiding, reinforcing hand. I also wish I had a wealthy patron to float me financially so that I don't have to work at a day job. But, these are the dreams of all artists, right. Two nights ago, Douglas and I watched a DVD about the Ballet Russe de Monte Carlo. It was really a wonderful, inspiring film. All the dancers who are still alive gave interviews and were incredibly good looking and glamorous well into their eighties! The film documented the ups and downs, travels, and dancers of the company throughout the years. I highly recommend!

Meanwhile, I have been busy with art projects, knitting a dress, and yesterday I had a delightful afternoon cooking. I made vegetable soup. For dinner, I made tilapia in a butter, olive oil, garlic and ginger sauce with a sweet potato and green beans on the side. Who knew, there is a little domestic goddess a la Nigella Lawson in me.
I like this picture of Chapin Park during the ice storm. Each tree is encapsulated in a layer of ice and it just looked so symmetrical and beautiful even though it was a gray day. The trees looked topped off by the October storm we had. The weight of all the snow snapped the branches like toothpicks. It is snowing in Pittsburgh right now, Douglas is practicing on the piano. and I'm trying to stay warm by laying my palms on the laptop which is nice and toasty.

I have some good news.
I will be participating in Music is Art Live for the second time, on Tuesday, Feb. 13, 2007. I'm very excited about that. Also in the works, an exhibit at the arts council in May.