01 February 2008

yummy stuff

I have been loving this tea lately! It smells divine and no matter how long you leave the tea bag in- the flavor just keeps getting better. They have a really cute website too!

I feel very professional and accomplished today! I ordered brand spankin new business cards and put all my finances in order and even made some calls I've been putting off for awhile. It is so nice to have a day off and catch up on stuff. I had a good night's sleep last night which is always helpful too. I decided I need to update all my art related business stuff-- new press kit, new postcards, etc etc. New year- new stuff.

Tonight, I'm exciting to see and hear D perform at this event

I have been knitting this really cute jumper from the Holiday 2006 issue of Vogue Knitting, forever. Everyone at work is asking when I'm going to finish it so they can see it on me-- and I'm so close to finishing. I have the top and bottom hems and sewing all the pieces together. Almost, almost.
Here's to a happy and productive weekend y'all!