Last Saturday D and I had a day immersed in nature. We drove to Ohiopyle State Park and rented bikes. We rode 9 miles along the Youghiogheny River, ate lunch in Confluence and then headed back. When we arrived, we checked out the little town, some of the hiking trails, the waterfall and the small festival along the river. It was there, behind a food cart that we happened upon 2 huge barrel cookers, one of which was billowing a roasty pork smell. A man was standing there looking in charge so we asked him, "what's in the cooker?"
As he lifted the lid a huge billow of white smoke wafted out and then.... we saw this.........
An entire pig being roasted! It was quite a sight, and being the nice Jewish girl that I am-- one that I have never before set eyes upon. In general, I try to stay pork free but D is known to indulge from time to time.....
Luckily, he was able to see this pig, and get a sample too.