14 August 2006

p. 85

Esther's head was shaved like a boy's. Lying next to her, he felt he could hold that coconut head for the rest of his life. She could beat him in an arm wrestle and most arguments. She was bigger than he, and more beautiful. But he was tortured by the idea that she would grow old! He understood in all likelihood this sort of thinking would lead him to die lonely, without anyone. He told himself the story that this was the great tragedy of his heart. The great tragedy of his heart was that it always needed to be told a story.
- Zadie Smith, The Autograph Man

It's a gray day out today.

It was a lovely weekend, D visited and we walked around in the park, had a Saturday date-- dinner at a Thai restaurant where we ate lots of delicious foods and then we saw a movie, Scoop. Sunday, we went to the waterfront and watched all the spinnaker sailboats on the lake. The breeze felt so cool and the sun warm on our faces-- it was just a beautiful day. Then, we went to hear Jazz behind the art gallery which was nice until the people in front of us all started smoking. At that point we decided to go for a walk.

I am very excited to report that I have in my possession, thanks to Jen, a digital camera!! Thank you Jen!! Now I can make my top secret digital images! Also, in preparation for Vermont, I ordered some used books at half.com- These include: Gift from the Sea by Anne Morrow Lindbergh, If You Want to Write by Brenda Ueland, and 6 Steps to Free Publicity by Marcia Yudkin. I found these at Keri's recommended readings. I have been studying over her site these last week's for inspiration, information, ideas, and just to read what she has to say. She has a really accessible writing style and I feel like if we met we would be friends, which is I'm sure how lots of other people feel too. She is just one of those people who seems like a kindred spirit.